Logo of the U.S. National Science Foundation
Logo of the Platinum Sponsor: J.A. Woollam Co., Inc.
  • Call for Abstracts

    The Organizing Committee invites you to submit an abstract in the fields of ellipsometry, polarimetry, or other methods that use the polarization properties of light to be considered for oral or poster presentation at the 10th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. The Conference will be held June 8-13, 2025, at the University Memorial Center of the University of Colorado at Boulder, CO 80309. All abstracts, not to exceed 2 pages, are to be submitted using the abstract submission form. Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM Mountain Time on Monday, January 13, 2025.

    The conference registration form will be available on the ICSE-10 website in November 2024. Reduced registration fees will be offered for student attendees. Limited funds supporting participation costs for students and early career professionals will be available. Application instructions will be provided soon.

    Presentations will be scheduled in oral or poster sessions with dates and times to be assigned. The presenting author must be identified. Presenters need to note their status as Undergraduate, Graduate, Early-Career Academic/Government, Academic, Government, Industry, or other professional upon abstract submission.

    Abstracts will be reviewed on receipt, with acceptance notifications sent beginning in November. Please submit early. If necessary for visa applications, please contact the organizers with requests for early decisions. If the presenting author is unable to attend the conference, they should make arrangements for another individual to attend and present.

    Abstracts will be included in an abstract booklet, to be published on the conference website.

    Abstracts should include work that was accomplished since ICSE-9. This may include recently published as well as new work. Abstracts should contain enough information to allow their content to be evaluated. Please include between 3-6 keywords to help place your abstract within the program. Indicate the presenting author, student author(s) if applicable, and corresponding author if different from the presenting author.

    The Program Committee will make decisions on abstract acceptances and whether it will be given as an oral or poster presentation. The Organizing Committee currently anticipates single-track oral sessions and late-afternoon poster sessions. Abstract submissions are currently not limited. But, depending on the number of abstracts received, ICSE-10 may partially move to dual-track sessions. The Program Committee will arrange session schedules to reflect the diverse range of submitting institutions, geographic areas, and scientific topics.

    Abstract Preparation Instructions

    Abstracts may be prepared and submitted either using LaTeX or Word format. Links to template downloads and instructions for formatting, content inclusion, as well as submission uploads, are provided on the abstract submission page.

    All completed submissions received by 11:59 PM Mountain Time on Monday, January 13, 2025 will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Selection of abstracts for presentation at ICSE-10 will be based upon scientific and technical merit.

    Special-Topic Collection on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

    Conference manuscripts for ICSE-10 will be collated in a joint Special-Topic Collection on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Papers will be published in Applied Physics Letters or the Journal of Applied Physics. Articles will undergo regular peer review and will be handled by regular Associate Editors at APL and JAP. This Special-Topic Collection will open in June 2025 and close in November 2025.

    Award Considerations

    ICSE-10 is considering the awards described below. Find further information and nomination instructions on the Awards pages.

    Paul Drude Award

    The Paul Drude Award is traditionally the main recognition at ICSE conferences. This award is given to a young scientist for exceptional contributions to the development or application of spectroscopic ellipsometry.

    Hans Mueller Memorial and Lecture Award

    The Hans Mueller Memorial and Lecture Award will be established at ICSE-10 to honor pioneering, lifetime achievements in the field of ellipsometry.

    Innovation and Creativity Award

    The Innovation and Creativity Award will be given, also for the first time at ICSE-10, to recognize the work representing the best innovation and creativity in the field of ellipsometry.

    Student Awards

    Student Awards, newly featured at ICSE-10, will recognize the students who give the best oral and poster presentations. Students (undergraduate and graduate) must identify their status upon submission of their abstract(s) to participate in the Student Award competitions.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Boulder, Colorado June 8-13, 2025! 
    Please direct questions and inquiries to icse10@ellipsometry.us.

    Organizing Committee

    Mathias Schubert

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) & Lund University (Sweden)

    David E. Aspnes

    North Carolina State University (USA)

    Alain C. Diebold

    CNSE, University at Albany, SUNY (USA)

    Eva Franke-Schubert

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)
    Workforce and Sponsoring Chair

    Markus Raschke

    University of Colorado at Boulder (USA)
    Local Chair

  • Fourth Announcement

    Dear colleagues,

    The ICSE-10 official website is now online.

    Stay tuned for important updates about the abstract submission timeline, conference schedule, award nominations, and speaker invitations.

    At this time we anticipate ICSE-10 to be a fully in-person meeting.

    Please encourage your colleagues and collaborators interested in participating to subscribe to our website icse10.ellipsometry.us

    Please direct questions and inquiries to icse10@ellipsometry.us

    We look forward to welcoming you to Boulder, Colorado June 8-13 2025.

    The ICSE-10 organizers

  • Third Announcement

    We proudly announce the 10th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry ICSE10 which will be held in Colorado, U.S.A., June 8-13, 2025. The main organizing team consists of Eva Schubert from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, David Aspnes from North Carolina State University, Alain Diebold from University at Albany, SUNY  and Mathias Schubert also from Nebraska.

    ICSE is a conference series which was founded in 1993 and is held every three years to share new ideas related to ellipsometry applications such as materials characterization, real-time process analysis, and instrumentation development utilizing the polarization properties of electromagnetic waves in the spectral region from Terahertz to soft-X-ray wavelengths. The conference brings together an international cohort of experienced scientists and leaders of the community, as well as many graduate students, PostDoc’s, and other early career professionals.

    ICSE-10 is committed to the development of a collaborative, inclusive, diverse, and internationally conscious workforce, and is seeking opportunities to increase participation of a diverse and inclusive population of undergraduate and graduate students, but also PostDoc’s, and early career professionals.

    Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for further information. A website will be launched soon and abstract submission details will be provided.

    We look forward to welcoming you in Colorado in 2025!

    Eva Schubert, David Aspnes, Alain Diebold, and Mathias Schubert

  • Second Announcement

  • First Announcement

    Dear Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Community,

    We look forward to welcoming you to ICSE-10, which will be held 08-13 June 2025 at the Conference Center of the University of Colorado – Boulder. Boulder is located at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, less than a one-hour drive from the Denver Airport.

    ICSE-10 will follow the organization of previous ICSE conferences. Honorary, Advisory, Program, and Local Arrangements Committees will be formed over the next few months and tasked with specific responsibilities. Volunteers are gladly accepted.

    We will be sending you further informational Emails once the ICSE-10 Website has been established and more details become available.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Mathias Schubert (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
    David Aspnes (North Carolina State University)
    Alain Diebold (CNSE, SUNY Polytechnic Institute)

Logo of the Platinum Sponsor: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Logo of the Arbeitskreis Ellipsometrie (AKE) - Paul Drude e.V.