Application for the Paul Drude Award
The ICSE-10 Award Committee will review applicants and select the award winner(s). The award is given to a young scientist for exceptional contributions to the development and application of spectroscopic ellipsometry. The applicant shall hold a PhD at the time of application for no more than 10 years. The award consists of a certificate and a monetary prize of USD 1000. The 2025 Paul Drude Award is sponsored by Applied Physics Letters and Journal of Applied Physics. The winner(s) shall receive the award at the award ceremony and present an invited lecture at ICSE-10. The application should contain a cover letter, 2-page CV of the candidate, up to 2-page description of the contribution to the field for which the candidate shall be considered, one or more letters of support from colleagues in the field (optional), and a complete list of the candidate’s publications. Nominations for the award should be submitted to the Chair of the Award Committee ( and cc no later than January 1, 2025. Nominations and self-nominations can be made. The award winner will be informed by February 1, 2025.
History of the Paul Drude Award
The Paul Drude Award is given to a young scientist for exceptional contributions to the development and application of spectroscopic ellipsometry. The Award was introduced at the Fourth International Conference of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-IV) for the first time, and is intended to be given at each of the following ICSE events. The Award consists of a certificate and a monetary prize of USD 1000. The Award winner is chosen by the Selection Committee.

The Paul Drude Award is named in honor of Paul Karl Ludwig Drude (1867 – 1906), who invented and first applied ellipsometry. Reflecting Drude’s oeuvre related to the electron- conductivity model, emphasis is also placed on spectroscopically determining and understanding the interaction of light with matter. The Award is presented by the Award Committee Chair at a ceremonial session of ICSE, followed by an invited presentation by the prizewinner. The Awardee is someone who was of age 35 or younger when the recognized work was performed. Nominations are solicited from the ellipsometry community, to be submitted to the Committee Secretary by the deadline provided. After reviewing the nominations, the Award winner is chosen by the Selection Committee.
Previous Winners of the Paul Drude Award
Peter Petrik | Research Centre for Natural Sciences (Hungary) | ICSE-4 2007 Stockholm, Sweden |
Tino Hofmann | University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) | ICSE-5 2010 Albany, USA |
Vanya Darakchieva | Linköping University (Sweden) | ICSE-6 2013 Kyoto, Japan |
Oriol Arteaga | University of Barcelona (Spain) | ICSE-7 2016 Berlin, Germany |
Christoph Cobet | Kepler University (Austria) | ICSE-7 2016 Berlin, Germany |
Eva Bittrich | Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (Germany) | ICSE-8 2019 Barcelona, Spain |
Chris Sturm | University of Leipzig (Germany) | ICSE-8 2019 Barcelona, Spain |
Alyssa Mock | Weber State University Ogden (USA) | ICSE-9 2022 Beijing, China |
Honggang Gu | Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan (China) | ICSE-9 2022 Beijing, China |